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McAfee Incorrectly Detecting ADClicker-DF Trojan in WinDeveloper Products

If you are using McAfee virus protection products please note that the detection of ADClicker-DF Trojan in WinDeveloper products is a false positive.

This problem concerns the following WinDeveloper products:

  • WinDeveloper IMF Tune
  • WinDeveloper TNEF View
  • VSS Data Export
  • .NET 3D Plot

All of these products include the same file which is incorrectly being detected as infected by this Trojan. The file concerned will be found in the product program files directory named:

We contacted McAfee who confirmed that this is a false positive and that the updated signature files will be available for download today (26th August).

Check the McAfee site for more details on ADClicker-DF

We want to thank Andy for promptly reporting the issue to us and apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. This was beyond our control. We also want to thank McAfee for their swift response.

The following is the Email response we received from McAfee regarding this issue:


A.V.E.R.T. Sample Analysis
Issue Number:1896356
Virus Research Analyst: Patricia Ammirabile
Identified: No Virus/Trojan

AVERT(tm) Labs, Sao Paulo, SP

Thank you for submitting your suspicious file.

Synopsis -

Our Senior Virus Research Engineers have examined the file in question and no virus 
was found. 

This detection has been corrected in the current DAT set.

Solution - 

Please update your DAT files to correct detection of these files.  

If you utilize the McAfee VirusScan Online or VirusScan Retail retail products, and 
do not have the Dat File Version specified, please send an e-mail to to request an extra.dat for your product. You must include 
the Analysis ID number found in the subject line of this message to receive the 
extra.dat file.  

Support -

Virus Research accepts file-samples for analysis and possible inclusion into AV 
signature DAT sets. We are also prepared to answer general virus questions. 

All product-related questions and comments can be addressed through technical support 
and customer service, including: 

* Product installation and update questions
* Product usage questions
* Specific operating system/version questions
* Assistance with detection and cleaning or removal of 
viruses or trojans

Please use the following links to reach our technical 
support group for McAfee products.

Corporate Customers:

Single User/Retail Customers:


Patricia Ammirabile
Virus Research Analyst
A division of McAfee, Inc.


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