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IMF Tune - Bringing Back the Exchange Connection Filter
IMF Tune - Bringing Back the Exchange Connection Filter

New IMF Tune v3.0 Build

May 12, 2008

Today we released a new build for IMF Tune v3.0 that includes a number of important fixes. Because of these fixes we recommend all IMF Tune v3.0 users to upgrade to the new build.

Fix List

  1. IMF Tune not processing some emails. This problem concerns IMF Tune installations running any of the user limited licenses i.e. all licenses except those for unlimited mailboxes.

    In some occasions IMF Tune was incorrectly skipping the processing of certain SPAM emails thus failing to apply blacklists and other Rules meant for filtering.

    In this case the email would end up with the original SCL rating assigned by the MS Exchange IMF potentially leading some emails to remain unfiltered despite these should have matched a blacklist.

  2. IMF Tune may fail to detect changes in white/black lists and SCL Rules. The problem would normally exhibit itself in installations having a large number (more than a 1000) of white/black list entries. Systems experiencing this problem would continue enforcing the white/black lists and rules as set before the configuration change. The new settings would then go live following one of these operations:

    • Restart IMF Tune Attendant service

    • Restart IIS Admin service

  3. IMF Tune Backup/Restore (IMFTBak.exe) - A problem in parameter handling could lead to errors when running IMFTBak.exe in backup mode. On performing a configuration backup the following parameters are required:

    IMFTBak.exe /backup <destination directory path>

    If the destination directory path ends with a slash (\) and is enclosed in double quotes the backup operation would fail. For example here is a command line that could trigger the problem:

    IMFTBak.exe /backup "c:\imf backup\"

Version Information

This information applies to IMF Tune v3.0 build number If IMF Tune is already installed you can verify the current build number from the configuration under the WinDeveloper category.


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