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IMF Tune - Bringing Back the Exchange Connection Filter
IMF Tune - Bringing Back the Exchange Connection Filter

What's New in IMF Tune v4.0

IMF Tune v4.0 will be reaching final release in the next few weeks. The following is the list of improvements over IMF Tune v3.0.

  1. Exchange 2007 Support. In all 3 different builds are available for each of Exchange 2003, Exchange 2007 64-bit and Exchange 2007 32-bit.

  2. Windows Server 2008 Support. Windows 2008 supports installing Exchange 2007 SP1. IMF Tune Exchange 2007 builds are also supported on this platform.

  3. New Configuration Interface. The IMF Tune v4.0 configuration has been recoded from scratch. It looks much better and eliminates various v3.0 usability limitations. For a closer look at the new configuration check the IMF Tune screenshot pages.

  4. New Design for Disk Archiving, Logging and Auto-Replies. Archiving, Logging and Auto-Replies have been moved out of the SCL Threshold configuration. This equates to greater flexibility and simpler configurations.

  5. Other Improvements. Amongst other advancements we find the inclusion of IP white/black lists and the insertion of SCLs in legitimate emails. By popular demand IMF Tune v4.0 now allows the insertion of the SCL in the email subject and headers of whitelisted and SCL0 emails.

Upgrading to IMF Tune v4.0

Upgrading to IMF Tune v4.0 may involve an in-place upgrade or a move to new server hardware. This is especially true because IMF Tune v4.0 now supports both Exchange 2003 and 2007. Since Exchange 2007 requires a migration to a 64-bit platform, in this case IMF Tune would also need to move along.

For complete details on all possible upgrade scenarios check HOWTO: Upgrade to IMF Tune v4.0.


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