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IMF Tune - Bringing Back the Exchange Connection Filter
IMF Tune - Bringing Back the Exchange Connection Filter

Upgrading/Migrating to IMF Tune v5

Upgrading to IMF Tune v5 may involve an in-place upgrade or a move to new server hardware. This is especially true because IMF Tune v5 supports all of Exchange 2003, 2007 and 2010. Upgrading Exchange versions requires migration to new hardware. In this case IMF Tune would also need to move along.

This document considers different upgrade scenarios and describes how to upgrade whilst retaining the configuration settings of earlier IMF Tune installations. In all the following scenarios are considered:

In-Place Upgrade from IMF Tune v2.x/v3.x

When installing IMF Tune v5 on a machine where IMF Tune v2.x/v3.x is already installed, follow these steps in order to retain your current configuration settings.

  1. From the Control Panel Add/Remove Programs applet, uninstall the current IMF Tune build.

  2. Restart the IIS Admin service.

  3. Install the latest build to the same disk location where the previous build was installed. IMF Tune will automatically adopt the configuration of the previous installation.

In-Place Upgrade from IMF Tune v4.x/v5.x

When upgrading from earlier IMF Tune v4/v5 builds, start by making sure to download the latest IMF Tune v5 build from the WinDeveloper Software site. Run the installation on the machine where IMF Tune v4/v5 is currently installed. The setup will automatically detect the installed build and guide you through the upgrade procedure.

Moving IMF Tune v2.x/v3.x/v4.x to IMF Tune v5 on a New Machine

IMF Tune v5 will automatically upgrade the configuration settings of earlier releases when found on the local machine at installation time. To benefit from this automatic upgrade we need to first move the configuration of earlier IMF Tune versions to the new machine as follows:

  1. If IMF Tune v5 was already installed on the destination machine, uninstall this and delete the IMF Tune application directory.

  2. On the destination machine create the following directory:
    <Program Files>\WinDeveloper IMF Tune

  3. On the source machine running IMF Tune v2.x/v3.x/v4.x locate any of the following directories:
    <Source Machine IMF Tune dir.>\config
    <Source Machine IMF Tune dir.>\configv3
    <Source Machine IMF Tune dir.>\configv4

    Depending on your IMF Tune installation history some of these directories may not be present. Copy these directories and all files within them to the destination machine under:
    <Program Files>\WinDeveloper IMF Tune

  4. On the destination machine install IMF Tune v5.

Moving IMF Tune v5 to a New Machine

In case IMF Tune v5 is running on more than one machine, we may need to replicate the configuration across installations. Since both machines are running the same IMF Tune version, we can use the IMF Tune Backup/Restore tool (IMFTBak.exe) in replication mode as described below.

To begin complete the installation of IMF Tune v5 on all machines. It is strongly recommended that all machines are run with the same IMF Tune build number. You can check the build number from the configuration under the Miscellaneous category. If any machine is running an earlier build, upgrade this as described earlier under 'In-Place Upgrade from earlier IMF Tune v5 builds'.

Next we can replicate IMF Tune configurations from one machine to another as follows:

  1. At the source machine whose configuration is to be copied run the following command:
    <IMF Tune application dir.>\IMFTBak.exe /backup <destination dir.>

  2. Under the destination directory identified by the second parameter a file with extension *.ibak will be created. Move this file to the machine running the second IMF Tune v5.

  3. On the second machine run the following command:
    <IMF Tune application dir.>\IMFTBak.exe /replicate <Backup File Path>

Note: IMFTBak.exe can only be used when moving configurations across IMF Tune installations running the same version.


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