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IMF Tune - Bringing Back the Exchange Connection Filter
IMF Tune - Bringing Back the Exchange Connection Filter

Stop Cheating Email Retention, Get IMF Tune

WinDeveloper just launched a campaign alerting Organizations to watch out for email hygiene solutions that are breaching their email retention policies.

Stop Cheating Email Retention

Today legal compliance is a top concern for many Organizations. The implementation of email retention policies is very often the answer to satisfy these legal obligations. However many limit policy enforcement to their mailbox store, overlooking the fact that some of their emails might be diverted to other repositories or silently deleted altogether.

"The email retention reach should go beyond the mailbox database perimeter" Alexander Zammit, WinDeveloper Technical Director pointed out. "This is why IMF Tune was designed to be a good network citizen, including all functionality necessary for an Organization to enforce retention policies as soon as an email enters the network and undergoes spam filtering."

Alexander explained how anti-spam products that silently delete emails or implement primitive quarantine repositories are very often breaching retention policies. In his article Guess Who is Cheating Email Retention recently published at, Alexander goes into the technical details helping administrators determine whether their Organization is truly compliant. "This is one of those problems where the solutions are readily available. It's just a matter of proper planning and adopting the right software", Alexander concludes.

Indeed IMF Tune is renowned for its Quarantine and Archiving functionality coupling the spam filtering engine. IMF Tune gives the possibility to archive all emails flowing through the filter, even those not classified as spam. Furthermore emails reaching the specified age limit can be purged automatically. In this manner the same retention policy enforced at the mailbox store is also applied to emails that never reach the user mailboxes.

For more details check the article Guess Who is Cheating Email Retention at

More information on IMF Tune is available from the WinDeveloper web site at From here a 30 day free evaluation version is available for download.

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WinDeveloper Software
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