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IMF Tune - Bringing Back the Exchange Connection Filter
IMF Tune - Bringing Back the Exchange Connection Filter

IMF Tune v5.5 Release Candidate Now Available

IMF Tune v5.5 Release Candidate, build number, is now available for download.

We are very satisfied with the adoption rate of the first v5.5 build and worked on your feedback. The first beta proved to be very solid. This allowed us to focus on implementing the changes most important for a smooth deployment experience.

Below is the list of updates included in this build. If you are exploring version5.5 for the first time check IMF Tune v5.5 BETA - Moderator and Reporting Web Interface for an overview of what's new.

Updated Documentation - In this build you will find the updated IMF Tune Server guide and also a new guide exclusively focusing on the new Moderator/Reporting Web Interface. The new 60 page manual walks you through the installation, configuration and usage of this component.

Missing Default Web Site - The Moderator/Reporting Web component is installed under the IIS Default Web Site. We came across installations where the Default Web Site (created on installing the IIS Web Server), was removed or renamed. The installation now better caters for these scenarios and provides more informative error reporting.

Disabled SQL Authentication - The IMF Tune Quarantine requires that both Windows Authentication and SQL Authentication are enabled at the MS SQL database server. This is also referred to as Mixed Mode Authentication. To better assist you in getting the SQL Authentication mode right, we added an additional test to the IMF Tune Server Registration process. Details on how to enable SQL Authentication are included in the new Moderator/Reporting Manual and in this article.

Opening Email Item gives Not Found Error - In some cases the Moderator was returning a "Not Found" error when attempting to open an Email Item. This problem was experienced on Windows 2008 and Windows 2008 R2 platforms running IIS7/IIS7.5 Web Servers and is now fixed.

Moderator Email Selection from Internet Explorer - The Moderator email list highlights selected email items by changing the background color. This highlighting was not working in a particular case. This problem only concerned Internet Explorer and is now fixed.

Improved Disk Maintenance Performance - As from version 5.5 disk maintenance was extended to also control the growth of the Quarantine Database. We now improved this process to make better use of resources on multiple processor platforms. This improvement is most noticeable in installations with volumes exceeding tens of thousands of emails daily.

Order IMF Tune v5 today and get v5.5 for Free

All new and upgrade IMF Tune licenses include 1 year of Maintenance. If you just completed evaluating IMF Tune v5 there is no reason to wait for version 5.5! Maintenance guarantees that you will get v5.5 for free as soon as this reaches final release.

Feedback Please

A big THANK YOU for all your feedback. We couldn't address all the requests; however we did take note of your points. For example the quarantine database won't support MySQL for the moment, but we have certainly taken note of this for possible future inclusion. Just send us your feedback and we will get back to you answering any questions you may have.


The IMF Tune v5.5 server can be installed directly on top of IMF Tune v5.x and v4.x installations. This allows the installation to convert all configuration settings automatically. Earlier IMF Tune versions can be upgraded by uninstalling the older release and installing version 5.5 to the same disk location. For a detailed discussion of all possible upgrading/migration scenarios please refer to Upgrading/Migrating to IMF Tune v5.5.

Version Information

This information applies to IMF Tune v5.5 build number If IMF Tune is already installed you can verify the current build number from the configuration.

In IMF Tune v3 and earlier the build number is available under the WinDeveloper category.

In IMF Tune v4 and later the build number is available under the Miscellaneous category.


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