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Mon, 19 Nov 2007 The IMF Tune user guide was updated to include details on all the new features included in IMF Tune version 3. Amongst others you will find new sections covering Disk Maintenance, Advanced SCL Rules and Keyword Reporting. Mon, 19 Nov 2007 The latest spam wave is so easy to block with IMF Tune that we were surprised to receive so many support requests. Wed, 19 Sep 2007 WinDeveloper just announced the availability of various new IMF Tune licensing options. This couples the advancements in the latest version 3 release and the on-going product development. Thu, 26 Jul 2007 The recent PDF spam wave has been bugging many of you. It is clear that IMF was caught on the wrong foot, and is classifying these with low SCL ratings. Thus we had to add some new filtering functionality to counter this problem. Wed, 11 Jul 2007 The release of IMF Tune v3.0 is now final! The build number is, and is now available as the default product download. Fri, 06 Jul 2007 In recent blog posts, leading MS Exchange MVPs welcomed the arrival of the latest IMF Tune release. Wed, 27 Jun 2007 If your organization is currently running IMF Tune v2.x, this is the right time to explore the advancements provided in IMF Tune v3.0 and the available upgrade options. Wed, 27 Jun 2007 With the final release of IMF Tune v3.0 round the corner, we would like to clarify the support status of IMF Tune v2.x Tue, 26 Jun 2007 We have a new update for IMF Tune v3.0. This includes some more features that were not included in the first beta release. Furthermore we are including some tweaks for issues identified in the first release. Wed, 23 May 2007 It is our pleasure to announce the availability of IMF Tune version 3.0 Beta. Little over one year ago we had our last major release. Today we continue to extend the product adding many new features. Wed, 10 Jan 2007 WinDeveloper IMF Tune scored high on the leading Microsoft Exchange portal OutlookExchange.com. IMF Tune received words of praise from Jason Sherry, OutlookExchange.com editor, describing it as "a VERY viable spam filtering solution for a fraction of the cost of other 3rd party filtering solutions". |